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CKCSC  & Grand AKC Ch. Chadwick Passion Puzzle "Puzzle"

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Puzzle head shot 1

Puzzle at 3 years of age when he finished his CKCSC Championship.


Puzzle standing


Puzzle head shot 2


Puzzle's structure and movement were there from day one, when he was just a baby.  His temperament is wonderful - happy and gregarious.  Courtney Carter whisked him away and finished his AKC and AKC Grand Champion titles quickly.  He then won a major in the CKCSC.  Puzzle was pulled from the ring for awhile until we figured out why his white feathering was pink.  He came to stay with me for a while - I changed his food and worked on his coat.  We never did figure out why his coat was pink tinged but I did manage to reduce the pink tone somewhat and I also finished his CKCSC championship!  Today his feathering is beautifully white!

His litter sister, Ch. & AKC Ch. Chadwick Your Place or Mine "Cleo" is also a finished dual champion.

Puzzle is leading the life of retirement in Newtown, PA, with Courtney.  

DOB 04 FEB 2009
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